Tourists visiting Vancouver Island who intend to fish must purchase a fishing license and fish with barbless hooks.
Buy your fishing license online.
1. Every angler who is 16 years of age or older will need to buy a Basic License which allows him or her to fish in BC during a given time period.
A Basic License is required in order to purchase a Conservation Species License and/or a Classified Waters License.
2 Anglers who intend to fish for certain special species must buy a Conservation Species License (also called a Conservation Surcharge) for each species in addition to the Basic License. The special species are Steelhead Trout, Non-Tidal Salmon, Kootenay Lake Rainbow Trout, Shuswap Lake Char, or Shuswap Lake Rainbow Trout. The Conservation Surcharge is valid for the licensing year (April 1st to March 31st)
Anglers who intend to fish in one of BCs specially designated trout
streams must buy a Classified Waters License in addition to the Basic
License. A Classified Waters License allows B.C. Residents to fish on
any classified water in the province during the licensing year (April 1st to March 31st). For Non-Residents, the Classified Waters License is sold on a per diem basis and is date and water specific.
4. The fishing license may be purchased from many outlets, shops, kiosks, resorts, but the easiest way to obtain a license is to buy it online.